"Son do you know why I'm stopping you for?" "Cause I'm young and I'm black and my hats real low? Do I look like a mind reader sir, I don't know!"
ha but the bitch didnt wanna arrest me when i told him to stop wastin my time and allow gettin excited....the maddest thing is a had half of chrome and black sittin in the boot when they searched it haha!........o yeh top ratings to Kares though for finaly hookin me up with the name of this one....i cant actually believe it ya kno, i heard it like last summer when we went Alibi on Onemans sett and heard it about 3 times since then....but whenever it comes on at raves and i ask someone what its called they never know or whenever i try sound it out to them they always think its cockney thug haha....but yeah....this ones for all those times i been huntin for the name of this one and whoevers heard me try sound it out....the swings just DAAAARK!....